Jean Lou Pastre


Here men genially succeeded to achieve aesthtics when they wanted something

simple and convenient

A. Gaubert



Old farm overlooking the valley (with a view of the Monts d'Auvergne) at the edge of

the Causse de Gramat.  


                                        Set of buildings, each one surrounded by low dry stone walls :


the owners' house and its wine tank,

a large barn formerly used to shelter sheep,cows, hay and woods,

a granary and its vaulted cistern covered with "lauzes" (stones),

a"cochonnier" where the truffle-sniffing pig was kept,

a "grangette" (small barn) where nuts were dried,

a large "fournil" (bakehouse") where 20 "tourtes" (round bread) could be baked together





The 3,5 ha (9 acres)  land is divided into vine, gardens (formerly kitchen gardens), walnut trees plantation, truffle oaks and woods.



les herbes aromatiques du potager sont à votre disposition.

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